As we reach the end of a unique first term at Royal Holloway, I want to provide an update on how our students and staff have played their part in managing the impact of Covid-19.
As of Tuesday, 8 December 2020, we do not have any reported cases of coronavirus (Covid-19) within the Royal Holloway community.
An individual from the Royal Holloway community has confirmed that they have contracted coronavirus.
Holloway Notes, a local community choir in Egham is going online during the Covid-19 lockdown and welcoming new members.
An application has been registered with Runnymede Borough Council for a new internal link road between Runnymede Hall and the Sports Centre.
Two planning applications have now been registered with Runnymede Borough Council which relate to the Rusham Park site. These applications are now being considered by the Council.
The new Students’ Union monthly Market is a launch pad for small and local businesses, creatives, artisan, and niche products and services.
Our new Student Union Monthly Market aims to provide launch pad for small and local businesses, creatives, artisan, and niche products and services.
If you are a local employer and have a good number of part-time or vacation roles on offer, then our January Part-time Jobs Fair may be of interest.