A book written by Dr Laurie Parsons from the Department of Geography at Royal Holloway, University of London has been awarded an Association of American Publishers PROSE Award in Economics.

The Association of American Publishers (AAP) PROSE Awards recognise ‘significant contributions’ in scholarly publishing. This year marks the 48th annual PROSE Awards.
Dr Laurie Parsons’ book, Carbon Colonialism, was named as the winner of the economics category. The book explores the murky practices of outsourcing a country's environmental impact, where emissions and waste are exported from rich countries to poorer ones.
Other nominees included Harvard University’s Branko Milankovich, and his book Visions of Inequality: From the French Revolution to the End of the Cold War; as well as William Darity Junior, Samuel DuBois Cook Distinguished Professor of Public Policy at Duke University, whose book The Black Reparations Project: A Handbook for Racial Justice, was co-authored with Kirsten Mullen and Lucas Hubbard.
Dr Laurie Parsons, from the Department of Geography, said: “It is a huge honour to receive this award, especially given the competition. Above all, though, it means an enormous amount that the stories shared with me so generously by those experiencing the worse effects of climate breakdown have found the wider resonance they deserve.
“Above all, I hope this prize will open a few more ears to the stories of those on whose labour we depend for almost every aspect of our lives.”
Syreeta Swann, AAP’s Chief Operating Officer, said: “The PROSE Awards 2024 Finalists and Category Award winners illustrate the extraordinary depth, breadth and complexity of scholarly authorship and publishing.
“We are pleased to honour these works, and delighted to report that the standard for scholarly works has never been higher.”
With Dr Parsons’ book being named the Economics title of the year by AAP, it will join the other category winners in competing for the Awards for Excellence, which will be announced in the coming weeks.
Once the Awards for Excellence have been conferred, one of these titles will be awarded the PROSE Awards’ ultimate prize - the prestigious R.R. Hawkins Award.
Dr Nigel Fletcher-Jones, PROSE Awards Chief Judge, added: “This year’s PROSE Awards were one of the most competitive to date, highlighting the broad array of high-quality scholarly works available to readers.
“We look forward to announcing the R.R. Hawkins Award Winner and Awards for Excellence winners, which continue to expand expectations of what scholarly publishing can be.”