Professor Wyn Morgan has been appointed as Interim Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education and Student Experience) and will join Royal Holloway on Monday 22 April 2024 for one year.

Professor Morgan served as the Vice-President for Education at the University of Sheffield until 2020, where he led strategic development of learning and teaching, and agendas for student engagement, mental health, curriculum design and digital teaching.
Until recently, he has been a Principal Consultant at Halpin Partnership, reviewing academic governance, strategy, and student experience areas in UK higher education institutions.
Prior to his time at Sheffield, Professor Morgan was Assistant Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Teaching and Learning at the University of Nottingham, where he designed and the led the university’s QAA and TEF commended Teaching Transformation Programme.
As Interim Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education and Student Experience), Professor Morgan will co-ordinate and support the work of the existing leadership team in education and student experience across academic Schools and Professional Services.
Professor Morgan will lead and ensure momentum in areas including portfolio review and simplification, National Student Survey and student experience activities, as well as the development of the broader RH2030s ambitions for education and student experience, bringing sector wide understanding to the forefront.
Professor Morgan will also assist with the process to appoint the next permanent Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Education and Student Experience.