Computer Science is not just the study of what one can do with computers: it is the systematic study of processes that handle information.
We now take it for granted that music, video, and any other form of information should be represented digitally: the great innovations in the last few decades have come about through this transformation of the way we process information. In every field of life, from music to medicine, from finance to media, this shift to the digital is accelerating. Computer scientists are at the heart of this enterprise, creating the key technologies that will allow this to happen.
Created in 1968, we are one of oldest computer science departments in the World. We celebrated our half-centenary, teaching an incredible 50 generations of students - through an exhibition that traced the 200 year development of technology from bronze digit wheels to the computer in your pocket. A degree in Computer Science from Royal Holloway will equip you with the deep understanding of computing as a science and the practical skills that you will need to succeed in this fast moving and exciting area.
We offer you a vibrant environment in which you can pursue your studies – be it at undergraduate, postgraduate taught or postgraduate research – and plan your future career.